What (self employed) web developers do
– A job description. Feedback welcome
project management
calculation, coordination, presentation, client contacts
scribbles, wire frames, mockups
server installation, provider(-communication), installations at clients computers (email setup, data exchange)
content management
analysis of given data, data base concept, information architectur, selecting a CMS, CMS installation, extensions like shops, etc.
front end development
scripting, templates, themes, interactions, graphics, style sheets
web typography
font selection, vendors and plans, micro typography (via style sheets and in markup directly)
web video
codecs, players
responsive web
grids/flexible, adaptive images, mobile first?, testing
CMS introduction, wrtiging for the web, image editing
quality management
documentation, protocols, backup, updates, bug fixing, user tests
interface design, data handling bewteen web site and app
external services
embedding linking of google analytics, maps, etc., issuu, dropbox, amazon, piwik, flickr, youtube, vimeo, facebook, twitter, etc.
communication and social networks
email, newsletter, RSS, blog, twitter, podcast, skype, etc.
last modified 2013/10/29 Kohlhaas & Kohlhaas